Friday, September 30, 2011

Birthday Weekend!

I just turned a year older.  I used to make everyone in my house celebrate birthday week, but now as I am creeping into middle age I can only celebrate long enough to make it birthday weekend!  On Friday after a crappy start to the birthday morning and then my husby telling me he couldn't meet me for lunch I  treated myself to some shopping and purchased some clothes and new dinnerware.  It is oh so pretty, all white and much like the pieces you eat on at many restraunts.  I truly believe that it makes the food not only look much more presentable , but taste even better!!  The boys think I am crazy , but hey, I AM a year older and a little closer to forgetfulness and wacky!!

That night after dropping Jensen off at his 1st social of his Middle school career, and dropping Jonah off at the High school football game, Tony and I headed to downtown Des Moines for dinner at Dos Rios.  They make guacamole made to your specifications at your table!  Pretty tasty with a lovely Margarita!
Instead of cake I had this cute cupcake!!

Me and my brown eyed boy before he ditched me for the night!!

On Saturday This little cutie and I went to lunch at Hu-Hot!

Sunday Jensen had a football game so we all enjoyed the beautiful day at the ball fields with a victory!!
Jensen #54

Jonah had basketball practice at the park that night so Dodger and I enjoyed the gorgeous fall night and walked around the trail while J worked hard!

Monday night the celebrating ended in Pella where I met these lovely ladies for dinner!

Me and my mommy
birthday dessert!

The 1st 42 years have been pretty amazing--here's to the next 42--God willing!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Ain't Nothin Gonna Break My Stride, Nobody's Gonna Slow Me Down

And in the words of Matthew Wilder...
Oh No~ I've got to keep on Movin'!!!!!

Jonah is doing Cross Country this year for 8th grade since he decided not to go out for football.  He didn't think he wanted to do it, but Tony told him it would be a great character builder and would get him more in shape for basketball.  He has had 2 meets and has done really well.  He ran a time of 13 minutes 11 seconds on Tuesday and got 23rd place out of 256 and yesterday he shaved a few seconds off his time and got 13 minutes 8 seconds.  I am very proud of him and the work ethic he shows for anything he tries!

Lining up....

And they're off!!

Jonah's friend Riley who as Jonah says is "Beast".  He got 5th place both meets!  Way to go Riley!!  

Here he is coming up to the finish line, I was cheering and told him to push it and he really did!!

Proud of you Jonah!

And I am even prouder of the fact that after we got home he let me take his picture!!!  Love this kid!!
Don't let anybody slow you down !!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

You say it's your Birthday!!??

Tony's birthday was a few weeks ago and we celebrated by singing to him and eating homemade coconut creme pie!  It is the one time of year that he gets his favorite treat.  It always tastes so good, since it only comes around once a year! 
A few birthday decorations always makes the day feel more festive!

The birthday boy and his best buds!

Happy Birthday to Tony!!  May this be the best year yet!!  We love you!!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

And they call it PUPPY LOVE!!

Dodger joined our family just over 3 years ago and we LOVE this puppy!  He is the best dog ever and we are so thankful that he is a part of us!  Tony likes to pretend that he could care less about Dodger , but I think he is just as crazy about him as the boys and myself. 
1st day home with Dodger

Exhausted after a hard day!!

Reggie and Dodger watching pathetically at the door during Thanksgiving dinner

2 of the cutest faces EVER!!!

These are just a few of my favorite photos of my sweet puppy, may he be around for many more years to bring us love and photo ops!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?!?!?

Jensen and the Ankeny Jaguars had their 1st tournament this past Labor day weekend.  They went 1-2 for the weekend, but played hard and fought for a victory on Sunday.  We played a tough team from Texas who had chartered a bus for the trip to Iowa, boy they had fancy uniforms, cheerleaders, flags, and theme music~a little over the top for 6th graders we all thought!!  These boys had fun and were good sports to play in the rain on Saturday, on Sunday we were lucky and had PERFECT weather, blue skies and 73 degrees!
Playing the line on offense

Jensen #55 cheering on his teammates!

coming off the field after a hard fought win!

 A victory for the Jaguars and a medal!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

White Water Adventure

While on our Colorado Vacation we spent 1 day on the Arkansas River white water rafting!  It was a full day trip and one that we will never forget!!  It was so much fun and I was very proud of me and my boys for stepping out of our comfort zone and trying something adventureous!  A lot of the trip on the Brown Canyon Express portion of the river was very relaxing---and then there were some areas that were very exhilerating!  The water was only like 58 degress, so it was a little chilly but the wetsuits were great to keep you warm.  We stopped for lunch half way down the river and the guides made us chicken fajitas for lunch--I was very impressed by the work that they went to to feed us all.   There were 30 people on our trip . People of all ages.Tony and I got stuck in the front of the raft and therefore got the brunt of the rapids in our faces on big splashes. A few times the rapids almost smacked me out of the raft but I held tight!!  We all had a blast and I am quite sure we will do it again!!   

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Time with the twins

While Jacob and Jordan were here, Grandma came up and we all went on a trip to Boone to ride the Boone Scenic Railway. It was a very pretty ride, but the kids were less than impressed  :-(

We had fun none the less!!  Kiddos are goofy!

Photo time with Grammie--we all know how she loves getting her picture taken!!  Open your eyes woman!!

We were missing Hailey who was away at camp.  Poor Jordan had to put up with those 4 guys all alone!!  After the train ride we went into town and had a late lunch at the Gigglin' Goat.  That night we were all tired an had one last sleepover before we made the trip to Oklahoma City to take the twins back to meet their mom and dad.

Grammie, Jensen, Jacob , Jordan and myself got up early the next morning to say goodbyes and headed down to the heat in Oklahoma.  At times on the road it said it was 110 degrees!!  Woo boy it was warm!  The kids had fun on the ride down and spent alot of time giggling and playing the fishing game on their I-pods.  We got to our hotel about 430 and were pulling in at the same exact time as Bruce and Reen--how's that for timing!!  Bruce took us out to dinner at Mickey Mantle's Restraunt and it was AMAZING!  Probably the best meal I have ever had.  The downtown area is on a riverwalk with all kinds of shops and restraunts, just an awesome place.  We had a lot of fun!
Here are some of the group in front of the restraunt. We were waiting to take our horse drawn carriage ride!!

Jordan, Jacob and Jensen with their new friend!
Reen with the kiddos

On our ride!

Checking out the riverwalk and headed for the Candy store!

We headed back to the hotel for visiting until way late into the night and the next morning had a great breakfast at the hotel and headed back to Iowa.  The ride back was a little quieter without the twins and not nearly as fun!

Thanks Bruce and Reen for the wonderful weekend and more importantly for sharing your kids with us!  We love spending quality time with them so much!   Thanks to Grammie for making the trip with us and for the love of family that she has given to all of us Deitch's!!