Saturday, November 19, 2011

Happy Birthday Mom!!

Shirley around 1954

I want to take a minute to wish my mom a Very Happy Birthday!!  May your day be as special as you are.  You are an amazing lady that I am so very lucky to call Mom and friend. You have a caring heart and love your family with all that you are ~ and for that we all blessed.  The greatest gift that you have ever given us is each other.  So take a moment to sit back and cherish knowing how much you are loved on this very special day that we celebrate YOU!

Mom and Rochelle

Mom and Me

Happy Birthday Tooey!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for yummy little treats that comes in this cup--somtimes it's the little things in life!  :-)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

You make me smile!

Notice anything different about this smile? Top braces came off today!!   Yeah~his teeth look so pretty!  After 2 years the day finally came--hope you enjoy your new smile Jonah--I know I will!!!
Here is a photo from the 1st day WITH braces--someone looks like they have grown up a lot in 2 short years!!  Makes a mom feel a little sad..sniff sniff...


Friday, November 4, 2011

Thankful Thursday

OK so I am a day late!! Whatever--doesn't change the fact that I am MOST thankful for being surrounded by a loving family.  I am truly blessed!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What a Great Fall Day!!

Sunday was a gorgeous day, just as it has been for much of the fall..

The boys helped out by doing some raking in the back yard!

Then we headed down to Indianola to watch Bode in his last soccer game of the season.

He did such a great job and even had a goal!!!

Brystol was so excited to see Jonah and Jensen~this was his reaction when he first spotted tthem!!

4 pretty cute boys if I do say so myself!!

It was a nice weekend, even though we were missing Tony!  Friday night Jonah had his season kickoff at Kingdom Hoops, they raised over $12,000 for the charity Kingdom Cares.  Jonah raised the most money on his team and won a $50 Scheels Gift card--he also won the free throw challenge for his team and won a T-shirt.  They introduced all the teams and the kids got to run through a smoke machine--pretty cool!

On Saturday Jensen had his final football Tournament of the season in Cedar Rapids.  They won 1 game and lost 1, but played really well both games. The weather couldn't have been more perfect!  We ate at Buffalo Wild wings with his whole team and after the last game we stopped at the outlet mall for some shopping at the Nike store.

It was a gorgeous weekend, and Sunday night Jensen helped me hand out candy to the trick-or-treaters--I was a mean old lady and refused to give candy to 3 16 year old boys who were not dressed in costume....Seriously--You are too old to be out trick or treating!!

Here comes November and the Holidays...We are most looking forward to November 23rd when Tony comes HOME!!!