Friday, December 30, 2011

Flashback Friday

This was from September of 2005 and our 1st trip to DisneyWorld.  It was such a great trip , the boys were in kindergarten and 2nd grade, so still young enough to love the magic of the characters and all the fun!  Their favorite ride was probably the Buzz Lightyear ride which we rode no less than 6 times in a row~one of the plus sides to visiting during the school year was that the lines were almost nonexistent.  Jensen loved the race cars so we rode those quite a few times as well.  It was their 1st time on an airplane and they both did great.  The night firework shows were amazing!  We had a blast watching the one at Disneyworld as well as the one at MGM.  We have been lucky enough to go back two more times since then with our extended family and had even more fun!  Something about being there just makes you feel like a kid again~such special memories!! 

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Santa was here!

Jonah and Jensen with their stockings that Grammie made them when they were babies! 

Jonah LOVED his toaster over!  What a funny kid!
Jensen and all of his loot
Jonah and his goodies
cool dudes--Jonah and Dawson

Bode was loving his napping blanket from Jacob!
Grandpa and Grandma with the grandkids and Great grandkids! 
Nick and Stephanie with one of the blankets grammie crocheted for the twins who will be here in March or April~We are all SO excited for their arrival!!

Brystol thanking Uncle Steve for his motorcycle racing shirt!!  He loved it! 

Jonah sporting his new snuggie from Jordan!!  I think it was his favorite gift of the day!
Hailey and Dawson with their new schoolwear.

Brystol enjoying some time on his new PINK DS-pink is his favorite color!! Love this kiddo!


Another great holiday with family!  Thanks Steve and Joyce for hosting!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Flashback Friday

Christmas of 2000 was probably one of my favorite Christmases as we were lucky enough to get to share the holiday with Preston who flew up from Texas!  Reen and Bruce were so kind as to let him come to Iowa to spend the break with his cousins.  It even cooperated and we had snow!  I cherish all the memories I have of Preston, but this  particular Christmas has to be at the top of that list!

Jonah and Jensen with Preston

Daddy and Jensen checking out the new Buzz Lightyear!

A little help from Grandpa

Grandpa and Grandpa with Preston

Grandpa, Grandma and Preston came up on CHristmas Eve and spent the night.  What a special treat to get to be read a Christmas story from Grandpa.  What a fun night it was playing with Preston.

Christmas is all about family and memories and I am so very thankful to have this very special memory!

Thursday, December 22, 2011


2 weekends ago Teresa, Kim and her 2 girls and myself went to CY Stephens in Ames to watch our old neighbors perform in The Nutcracker.  It was the 1st time I had ever seen the Nutcracker and I LOVED it!  Ellen and the girls are such wonderful dancers and so much fun to watch.  I was so very proud of their performances, each one of them did just fabulous!  I think this may have to be a new tradition each year!!
Kim, Teresa, and myself

Kim and her 2 girls Emily and Grace

With Leanna, Ellen, Liz, and Allie after the show.  Seeing them made me a little misty eyed--I was so very proud of them and so happy I could see them perform together.. What special memories they must have made performing together.  Such very talented girls!

What a festive and fun way to spend a December girls afternoon out!!!