Sunday, March 31, 2013


On our last day of Vacation we drove to GUlf SHores, Alabama which was about 3 hours west of Destin.  We met up with our old neighbors and dear friends the Mulcahy's and Hagedorn's for the day.  It was a beautiful beach day and we enjoyed hanging out, played some games and enjoyed the serene beach.

The kids were great and let us take endless photos of them.  So hard to believe they are this grown up, seems like just yesterday that we looked forward to their births when we all lived on the Rene Street cul-de-sac!

Jonah and Alyssa--Ankeny Hawks Class of 2016  

Emily, Jake, and Jensen  --  Ankeny Hawks 2018

The house they rented for the week was right on the beach~~~ahhh

Alyssa and Emily~~ Love the duck face Emily!!


Jenifer, Tricia, Kim~~Beach babes!

Cheers to old friends!!  Love Vacation!!

Saturday, March 23, 2013


Nothing quite as beautiful as Destin , Florida at sunset..... 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

15 Year Old!!

Jonah went ahead and turned 15 this week even though I begged him not to!!  Hard to believe my 1st born is this old...

I am so darn proud of the young man he is becoming.  I have no doubt that Jonah will do great things with his life, he is determined, caring, respectful  and smart...all of which will help him along the way.  I look foward to seeing this smile every day, it along with his laugh always makes my day!!

Happy Birthday to my FAVORITE 15 YEAR OLD!!!


Make it the best year yet!