Thursday, October 24, 2013

Jensen turns 14!! Say WHAT?!?!

Jensen had some of his buddies over for a sleepover the night before his birthday--don't think there was any sleeping however!!  I made them try to build a pyramid, but they were laughing so hard that they weren't successful!  Silly pictures were all I was allowed to get!

Jensen wasn't feeling well the day of his birthday--we did manage to go out for a celebratory lunch at the cheesecake factory and came home to have his cake--since he had not gotten any sleep the night before he was hanging out in my bedroom so we brought the cake and the singing to him!!  Happy 14th to my baby!!  Love you to the moon and back Jensen!!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

8TH Grade HAWK Football!


GOT HIM!!! Way to go Jensen!!

Although it was a tough season for Jensen, out for a week doing Physical Therapy for an injury to his back and out for another week for a concussion that he got during the Ames game when he and a teammate collided on a tackle, it was a fun season!  Great Job Hawks!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Under the Lights

Homecoming week and One of the main events was a fun night of goofy games and contests involving teams of High schoolers competing against each other .  Jonah was on  a team with many of his basketball buds.  What a nice night it was to watch these kids having a great time playing games and being silly!

Cheering on the team in the saran wrap race!