Monday, March 31, 2014


jJensen passed his permit test on the 3rd try in February and Jonah turned 16 and got his REAL drivers liscense!  Way to go boys! Does not seem possible that you are this old!! 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Jonah turned 16! WOW-- where did those years go?

             Tony made him a peanut butter cheesecake with peanut butter cups-it was SO good!

            Jonah has always loved Spiderman, so when I found this picture online, I couldn't resist-it looks so               much like him!! Just seems like yesterday he was running around here in his spidey costume                     terrorizing the neighborhood!!

Bode and Jonah the Birthday buddies-Can't believe these guys are 8 and 16! Jonah was 8 when Bode was born!  Aunt Shell made this awesome cake for the celebration--it was Yumm-o!! 

Hope this 16 th year is an amazing one for you Jonah Michael--We love you so very much and are so proud of the young man that you are!! You are one in a million!!