Saturday, February 5, 2011

LIttle Assassins

Are we bad parents if we are 3 months late having our sons 11th birthday party?  If so I guess you can call us BAD!  We just celebrated Jensen's 11th birthday  2 weeks ago and his special day is October 20th...With sports and the holidays it just was never a good time, so we procrastinated. We took J and 6 of his buddies paintballing and they had a blast shooting at each other and dodging bullets. Jonah took a bullet to the mouth and had a face full of yellow paint~we all thought it was pretty funny!!  The boys didn't care that we were partying a little past the actual birthday.  One of the boys mom told me that he wouldn't let her wash his sweatshirt until he wore it to school so that everyone could see it.  Kind of like a war wound I guess you could say.  Needless to say it was a fun night and I am sure that Jonah and Jensen will be begging to go back again soon. Guess it was even better than sitting in the basement playing Call of Duty online with their friends!  The best part of the night was after everyone had left and Jensen came in to tell me goodnight and thanked me for the awesome party--what a great kid!

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