Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Heart of Rock and Roll IS still beating---in Riverside!

27 years ago I went to my 1st ever concert to see Huey Lewis and the News, it was a great time and we happened to be in the front row!!!  Here are me and my friends in all of our 80's glory...

Cut to a few years later and 2 of my friends from work and I decided to go see Huey at the Riverside Casiono.  He still looks pretty dang good for almost being 60 years old!!

It was a fun night with friends, although we weren't so lucky this time and were way in the BACK!!

Here's to good friends and good concerts!!  CHEERS!


Thursday, June 16, 2011

What's a 5?

Jonah decided he wanted to buzz most of his hair, and he has long hair since he was about in the 2nd grade, I have always liked it long and was a little hesitant to let him go for it. But w figured if it looked bad, it would grow back.  So today we went into Sports Clips and told the girl kind of what we were thinking.  She asked us if we wanted her to use the 5 or the 6~ Jonah and I looked at each other and had to ask what she meant.  She said those were the clipper lengths.  I then had to tell her that he had never had a haircut with clippers and she said "Never" and we replied "No Never".  So she proceeded to buzz off ALOT of hair and I must admit I got a little sad.  I have always loved Jonah's long hair, but I must admit he looks so handsome with his "new" do!

Just for reference here is a photo that was taken during basketball season...
short hair or long hair--I LOVE THIS BOY!! 

Sunday, June 12, 2011


What a day at the ballfields yesterday!! Reds Win , Reds Win!!  The boys played a great game and easily won by more than 10 runs.  It has been kind of a long season as up until yesterday they had only won 2 games.  But yesterday man they tore it UP!!  The bats came alive for all the kiddos and Jensen had a double and 2 singles, with 6 RBI's!! 
Jensen was lucky enough to have 2 of his buddies from his AAU team from last year on his Reds team--Thanks to Andrew and Collin for making the LIttle League season fun for Jensen!

The City tourney starts next week--who knows maybe they will make a run for the title?

Jensen was lucky enough to be on a team last year that only lost 1 game all season and won the County tournament!  It has been a different year, but a learning year.  Go Reds!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Barker family Reunion 2011 edition

It was a great day for a reunion--perfect weather, wonderful food, and fabulous people!  Bruce was back from Texas and that made the gathering even more special.  We were at Jeff and Ashley's, it is such a great place to keep everyone entertained!

It was warm enough for swimming !

And playing a little basketball in the pool!  Dawson and Jensen had fun shooting some hoops.

These 3 ladies are the reason we gather--the 3 Barker girls--Aunt Dee, Shirley, and Aunt Kay! 

Jeff got out the 3 wheeler and Jensen was IMMEDIATLEY addicted!

Everyone had a nice time and enjoyed each others company--What a wonderful blessing family is!
Until next year when the Long's , Deitch's , and Schultz's gather again!!