Thursday, June 9, 2011

Barker family Reunion 2011 edition

It was a great day for a reunion--perfect weather, wonderful food, and fabulous people!  Bruce was back from Texas and that made the gathering even more special.  We were at Jeff and Ashley's, it is such a great place to keep everyone entertained!

It was warm enough for swimming !

And playing a little basketball in the pool!  Dawson and Jensen had fun shooting some hoops.

These 3 ladies are the reason we gather--the 3 Barker girls--Aunt Dee, Shirley, and Aunt Kay! 

Jeff got out the 3 wheeler and Jensen was IMMEDIATLEY addicted!

Everyone had a nice time and enjoyed each others company--What a wonderful blessing family is!
Until next year when the Long's , Deitch's , and Schultz's gather again!!

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