Sunday, July 31, 2011


3 days were spent in Breckenridge shopping , eating, swimming, bike riding, whitewater rafting and just relaxing and enjoying the beauty around us.  One of the thing the boys and I liked most about the town was that there were so many dogs~ and since we were missing our own little puppy who was back home, it gave us the perfect fix to get some puppy time!  Shop owners even had their dogs in their stores helping run the place, Jonah's favorite was a brown eyed Huskie in one of the ski shops.  I love this place and would go back in a heartbeat!
Here the boys are with our hotel the Marriott Mountain Valley Lodge on their left~ our room was on the 6th floor directly looking out those windows!  What a beautiful sight to wake up to every morning!
I loved all the cute little shops and restaraunts.

 We tried on some hats...
Ate some ice cream...

ate some MORE ice cream...

Ate some awesome breakfast...

Went on a Gondola ride up to Peak 8.

Jensen climbed to the tope of this mountain of snow...

Jonah kept talking the enitre trip how hewanted to see a bear, sadly enough the closest we got was this cute one in front of one of the ice cream shops!! 

On our last day in town we rented bikes and went on a great ride along the river that runs through town.  So beautiful with the mountains in sight!  Sadly the 2 little boys would not allow a photo to be taken and I was left with only a picture of the sign in front of the Bike rental place...BOO!! Momma no likes !!

It was a lot of fun spending time with my 3 favorite boys!! Can't wait to do it all again next year in a new location!  Breckenridge was great!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Garden of the Gods

Our last day in Colorado Springs we went to Garden of the Gods on our way out of town.  What a cool place!  We all found it so interesting and had fun walking around amongst the huge dwellings.

Playtime for 2 boys!

Jonah way up high making his mommy VERY nervous!!

It was HOT that day and we were ready to get
in the van and head to some cooler weather! 
Breckenridge---Here we come!
First  view of snow capped Mountains on the drive into Breckenridge!!!  YEAH!! Always such an amazing thing  to see!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Colorado--Part 2

On our 2nd day in Colorado Springs we went to the Air Force Academy.  Such a gorgeous area, and it makes you feel so patriotic being there.
That afternoon we had reservations to take the Cog Railway up Pikes Peak.  The temperature was 96 degrees when we boarded the train and at the top of Pikes Peak it was 47!!  Talk about a drop in temperature!!

Here we are on the way up!

Family shot at the top!

Dad and his 2 boys

From the top of Pikes Peak you can see 5 states!!
At the top there  is a gift and snack shop that sells "supposedly" the best donuts ever~we tried them but were less than impressed.  Guess we are a tough crowd to please!

The view was incredible and well worth the trip to the top!

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Just back from a great family vacation to Colorado!  What a perfect week it was to leave Iowa as they were having a heat wave wtih heat indexes of over 110!  It was warm in Colorado, but not so humid and perfectly lovely!!  We spent our first 3 days in Colorado Springs. Day 1 we went to the Royal Gorge.

We walked across the bridge and on the other side there was a mini wildlife area.
Tony stayed on one side of the bridge and the kids and I walked to the other and he took our photo from FAR away!

Jonah and Tony took the tram down to the bottom of the canyon...
Jensen and I sat and enjoyed a cool beverage and watched the hummingbirds...
The Royal Gorge was quite the site to see and we all enjoyed it.We ended the day by meeting our nephew Michael for dinner, he lives in Colorado Springs and suggested The Elephant Bar.  It was really good , but even better was getting to spend time with Mike just visiting .  I was so mad I didn't get a group photo of us and Mike, however I am sure that the boys didn't mind having to get one less photo taken!