Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Colorado--Part 2

On our 2nd day in Colorado Springs we went to the Air Force Academy.  Such a gorgeous area, and it makes you feel so patriotic being there.
That afternoon we had reservations to take the Cog Railway up Pikes Peak.  The temperature was 96 degrees when we boarded the train and at the top of Pikes Peak it was 47!!  Talk about a drop in temperature!!

Here we are on the way up!

Family shot at the top!

Dad and his 2 boys

From the top of Pikes Peak you can see 5 states!!
At the top there  is a gift and snack shop that sells "supposedly" the best donuts ever~we tried them but were less than impressed.  Guess we are a tough crowd to please!

The view was incredible and well worth the trip to the top!

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