Thursday, July 7, 2011


We spent the 3rd of July celebrating the 4th !  Steve and Joyce hosted us at their house in the country, it is the PERFECT place to spend a day.  Their place is so beautiful and you can spend forever looking out over the rolling hills.  As usual when the family gets together their was an abundance of food and fun!  The weather was a little bit drizzly but we didn't let that interfere....

The big kids and little kids all went fishing down to the pond.

Hailey and Jensen were the only 2 to catch something~way to go!!

We played a little baseball...

We played cornhole...I must say I did pretty good and told TOny I need a set at home so I can practice up and Kick Travis's butt!

We ate a few cupcakes!!

And of course enjoyed some sparklers and fireworks.

Brystol had the Deitch Classic line of the day...As he was dancing around with his sparkler, he comes running over to let us know he had burnt his arm by announcing..."I just got sparkled!!"  It ranks right up there with the other 4th of July classic "Is my ear on fire?"

The sunset was so pretty that night and then when it got dark we were able to sit around the fire, making smores and watch the fireworks in the distance over the tree line that were going on in Ottumwa...

The family (including all 5 dogs) all had such a nice day--Thanks Steve and Joyce for hosting !! 

1 comment:

  1. Your family always looks like they are having so much fun. Take me along next time!
