Friday, March 30, 2012


We headed to Oklahoma City so that these 6 cousins could meet up for some bonding time!!

We tried to pack a lot in to those 3 days, but just enjoyed hanging out at the hotel, swimming, watching a lot of NCAA basketball, eating and drinking a bit of green beer to celebrate St. Patricks day.  We also got to celebrate Bruce's birthday and Hailey's!

Jacob and Jordan made Hailey a poster with all of her favorite things!!

Here is part of the gang headed to Toby Keith's restraunt on the riverwalk for lunch.  The trees were in bloom and it was soooo pretty.

The cute boys waiting for their table at Toby Keith's.  I had the corn chowder and it was De-Lish!!

What great friend these 2 girls are!!

We HAD to stop here for the cutest store with cupcakes and candy!

Jonah was in heaven surrounded by all that candy!!!

Jensen and a 5 pound gummy bear!  Just what every kid needs!

Reen got a cupcake of every kind for Bruce's birthday--how fun getting to try a bit of every flavor--my favorite was the bubble gum!!

We also went to the Oklahoma City Memorial, what a very moving place to go.  To think that 168 people lost their lives in that very spot at the hands of a cold blooded murderer is so very sad. 

Each of these chairs represent a life that was lost that day in 1995.

Part of the foundation that was left after the bombing.

What a loving tribute it is.

Dinner at Mickey Mantles is always a special treat!!

The boys were impressed when they saw This beauty of a car parked out front of the restraunt!

What goofy kids!!  I'd say it was a pretty fun and great way to spend a long weekend on spring break!!


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