Saturday, June 16, 2012

Fishing weekend

On Memorial day weekend the 3 boys went with Uncle Hank to his cabin in Minnesota.  They had a blast reeling in catch after catch.  I believe they caught 43 fish Saturday and 55 on Sunday.  Look at this beauty Jensen caught!!  It was the biggest catch by any of them that weekend~way To go Jensen!!

Jonah caught a pretty fat one himself!!!  What a nice bass!

The Kohler cabin-their home for the weekend

They had such a fun time, but were ready to be back in comfy beds and a refreshing shower!  3 days of no indoor plumbing might have been a little much for theses city slickers.  Tony said they did great and had a special trip thanks to Uncle Hank!  One of the hightligjhts had to be Uncle Hank and the little debbie oatmeal pie that was dropped in a minnow bucket and eaten anyway!!  Gotta Love  a good snack cake with a hint a fish!!! 

Tony said he thought Jensen might have had a fishing hangover, the morning after they got back, Jensen managed to come downstairs and made it as far as the couch before falling back asleep within 5 minutes! Fishing and catching all those fish must have been exhausting!!!

Thanks Uncle Hank!!   

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