Thursday, July 5, 2012


It was such a hot day, that the only logical thing to do was to spend most of the day holding these adorable babies!!  Here are the 1st set of Deitch Twins, Jacob and Jordan holding the 2nd set of Deitch twins, Connor and Charlotte.  Are these 4 the cutgest twins EVER?!?!

Holding hands....awwww so sweet

Such yummy tarts that Rochelle made--YUMMO!!

Love me some baby piggies!!

Such a  precious face

Great Grammie making Connor smile

Even Aunt SHell couldn't resist holding a sweet baby!

Cousin love!

Pink is your color Jonah

Daddy was tired...

The kids even braved the heat for a bit to ride Hailey's dirt bikes 

Go Jensen!!!

What a HOT, HAPPY 4th of JULY!!

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