Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Some past happenings that I didn't want to forget ! 
Jensen got his braces off and is sporting a great new smile

Girls attending RObert's musical outing at the Cosmo Lounge

Jonah received an Academic Letter for being a smarty pants! 

Dodger is just cute always!

Grandpa George came to cheer Jonah and the Hawks onto a victory over Ottumwa--he had a great game and had over 20 points.  Uncle Steve, Aunt Joyce and Aunt Shell were there too ;)

Celebrated my 44th Birthday with my lovely Deitch ladies!!

Jennie and the littlest Plummer's came to visit in October!  Such cuties they all are!! Sweet kiddos :)

Someone got a school permit and a CAR!!   Wow this just seemed crazy...

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