Tuesday, August 16, 2011

All good things must come to an end!!

Summer is over!!  The boys started back to school yesterday and didn't seem to happy about it.  Hard to believe the lazy days of summer have come to an end and we are back to a routine and busy schedule~oh how I will miss our Thursdays and Fridays to sleep in and hang out! 
Hard to believe Jensen is in the 6th grade!

Dodger is going to be lonely all day without the boys to hang out with. 

And in typical Jonah fashion~ a little dance!!
Is this the oh yeah I'm an 8th grader dance?!?!

And it was at this point when I started to Add Valya our neighbor into the photos that Jensen decided he had had enough fun for one morning and went back inside.....

Welcome back to school boys!  Hope you have a great year!!

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