Sunday, August 14, 2011

Blue eyed visitors

Steve and Jennie and the kids came to visit last weekend and we had such a great time!  On Friday night we hung out and had fajtas and margaritas.  Saturday we went to Adventureland and it was PACKED!!  We rode some rides and then went to the waterpark. Steve took the 3 boys on some slides and some were HUGE!! 

Zoe and Uncle Tony
Video game time

Saturday night Jonah babysat and the adults went to dinner uptown to Renallo's.  Such a nice evening out and we so enjoyed our time together!

Catch that Bubble ZOE!!

Bubble time!!

Jonah and his new buddy Zoe!!  What a blue eyed beauty!!
Daddy and Zoe

Love spending time with these guys! Jackson and Zoe entertained us with their gymnastics~they are  both awesome!!  Jackson and Jensen had a slumber party in the basement and it was just a fun time hanging out making memories! Can't wait to do it again!!!

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